Thanks Robyn, I already feel much better knowing that 80,000 of us are due for Club Menopause membership each year. I was almost admitted recently (I probably violated the dress code) but had to go back to the end of the queue due to an unexpected period recently, however I'm sure I'll be crossing the club threshold in the next 12-18 months.
Here's the opening para of Robyn's post:
Being a woman is a bit weird at times. We
are the gender that gives birth to the next generation and we have all
this complicated plumbing to enable us to give the miracle of life. To
the men who are brave enough to read on, hopefully I’ve written this is
such a way that you won’t be left feeling “yucky” and might give your
wife, sister, mother or female co-workers a little consideration!
I am not alone.
You can read the full post by clicking here
(I'm such an amateur bloggeur that I don't even know how to do one of those tricksy "read more" linky things so you'll just have to go retro with me and click the damned link the old-fashioned way!)